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Planning your CritterCoin Rollout

A few simple steps to introduce PBIS to your school

CritterCoin is a digital system that can be used to reward students for positive behavior in a school setting. PBIS, or Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, is a framework that schools can use to encourage and recognize good behavior in students. By using CritterCoin in conjunction with PBIS, schools can create a more positive and supportive learning environment for their students.

Steps for Using CritterCoin for PBIS

  1. Set up a CritterCoin account for your school. You can do this by visiting the CritterCoin website and creating a new School account.
  2. Determine the behaviors that you want to recognize and reward with CritterCoin. These could include things like being respectful, participating in class, and helping others. You will create a digital coin for each of these behaviors.
  3. Decide on the rewards that students will be able to redeem their CritterCoin for. Some ideas might include extra recess time, special privileges, or even small physical items like stickers or pens.
  4. Train your staff on how to use CritterCoin. CritterCoin has a video series to help with this. Make sure that everyone understands how the system works and how to award coins to students for good behavior.
  5. Introduce CritterCoin to your students. Explain to them what CritterCoin is and how they can earn coins. Let students know that can get the iOS or Android app to track their achievements and rewards.
  6. Start using CritterCoin to recognize and reward positive behavior in your school. Whenever teachers see a student exhibiting one of the behaviors that you have identified, award them a coin. Teachers can do this from the web or mobile apps.

By using CritterCoin in conjunction with PBIS, you can create a more positive and supportive learning environment for your students. Not only will this help to improve behavior in your school, but it will also give students a sense of accomplishment and pride as they work towards earning rewards for their good behavior.